Consiously Get Out Of Debt Part 3: Knowing how to keep it, and how to stay out of debt once you get out of it is all part of Consciously Creating Your Success!

Knowing how to keep it, and how to stay out of debt once you get out of it is all part of Consciously Creating Your Success!

You are reading this now, so you are trying to become more conscious of your debt, and you would like to consciously get out of it. Sometimes you may feel like you don’t have freewill anymore, and debts and society, family, work, bills, and taxes are holding you down. The secret to freewill is within you. If you are going to get a true handle on your finances, then you need to be truthful to yourself. As a high school wrestler, I was very competitive, and paid a lot of attention to my state of mind. One of the things I realized is that I had an emotional connection to food, and it affected my weight drastically. Emotional connections to food, alcohol, pleasing other people, and of course “spending” are real emotional attributes that take away your freewill.  They are broken down to the inevitable truth of “We are all human.” What is important is identifying your emotional connection to money, and your emotional connection to what you are spending your money on. Monthly you should be tracking your Expenses versus your income, this reveals those emotional connects. In order for me to maintain weight, I had to realize my emotional connection. I performed a 10 day fast with healthy supplements and a lot of water, and discovered within the first 3 days, I was emotionally attached to food. I became aggravated, easily annoyed, and I realized, I was dealing with a lot of my life by eating food. This is a method of overspending, as my food expense was one of my largest personal expenses. I suggest discovering what you spend money on, and attempt fasting item by item. Not all at once, but in order for you to understand how you are emotionally attached to your habits. One of those factors is to try and deter emotional spending.

Make a list of expenses that you believe where emotional within the last month and how much you spent on them: (For example, alcohol, food, social events, entertainment)








Ask yourself next time you are buying something why you are doing it. The freewill to do so is much better than feeling like you don’t have control. Be aware. A fit financial life depends on your knowing better your expenses and your relationship with them.

Now take into consideration the emotional buys, now consider the society and pressure to spend money. For example, you find yourself eating at restaurants not just because of the quality of the food, but because of the company the restaurant keeps. Showing up at that restaurant means you are part of that society. You buy expensive clothing, not from a discount store, but from the top stores who carry the brand. The more you spend, the more successful you feel. The more you spend on someone you love, the more you love them. This is the pressure of society, this is the pressure once again that bends your will, but you are the one who controls your own free will. This is about telling yourself the truth and coming to grips with reality, your money or your life, your money is not your life, it’s just a method of handling your self-esteem and your emotions. Part of becoming consciously successful is understanding why you spend the money you do.
















Do you think you may need support, and your debts and spending habits are not going to change out of your own freewill? If so, I suggest going to Debtors Anonymous, if you believe you can make yourself conscious, that you can change, then keep going forward with this plan. Debtors Anonymous is just one way to help you get your conscious light turned on. If you are going to start a fast, you need all the support you can get.

I mention this out of courtesy, but the main thing you have to deal with is the fact that you have to change your mind set to success. What I want to get you used to is tracking your success. How do you track your success with money management and debts? Easy, as you spend less on pouring your money down the drain, spending emotionally, and controlling your expenses, you mark down the amount you are not spending month to month. That amount is considered an achievement. If you find yourself spending less, you are making headway, you are consciously changing your life and your success. Become a success minded person, and find your own freewill.

Getting out of debt is like the fast, you will be irritable, upset, and annoyed with yourself at times trying to spend less and become conscious of your money spending.  But it can be fun if you know that you are becoming free, you are finding the glory of freewill. There are no limitations in life when you find your freewill.

You need to have the freewill attitude that you will make it, overtime, not overnight, but you will isolate the controls in your life, deal with those controls, and pay down those burdens. Make a bundle owing to a bundle made. How do you deal with stress?

  • 40% of worries and anxiety will never happen
  • 30% have already happened
  • 12% are needless worries about health
  • 10% are petty miscellaneous worries
  • 8% are real concerns
  • 4% are real and you cannot change them
  • 4% you can do something about

Make a list of your worries and concerns, and decide which categories these concerns fit into. Take positive action now on the things you can change.

Dealing with what worries you is often done better if you schedule time to worry, and you write a list of all those things worrying you. Like debts, everything is achievable if you are conscious of it. In order to act out of your own will, you need to be aware of how your worries control you. The concerns will become ever more apparent when you look at how you spend your time, money, ability, energy, and reputation. 

Click Here To Download The Worry Chart and Solution Exercise


–          Read positive books

–          Wake-up early

–          Draw strength from past experiences, whether its sports, past achievements, etc.

–          Draw strength from your family, friends, and if necessary support groups

–          Stop negative talk to yourself, you can’t stop what you did or didn’t do, use the worry chart, and take positive action now

–          Utilize affirmation and visualization to see how you will feel with a successful future. Write these affirmations and place them around the house, on the bathroom mirror, on the fridge, on the dash of your car. Make it positive, make it successful.

–          Keep a diary, and document your success

–          Be confident about the new free will you are developing and finding, let that freedom open up your ego to a new level of confidence and higher self-esteem

–          Know that this will take time to get out of debt, but that you are going to document how you do it, so that you consciously never end up in this situation again

–          Just Do IT! No “Yeah buts”. A “Yeah but” is an excuse, someone says “yeah but…” before they make an excuse. Don’t make excuses up, just do it!

Write down your definition of success, take a look at your emotional spending, your self-esteem, and the income you are making, and decide whether you write your vision of success.

Written By Ryan Gibson,